Awarding EP

On top of the functionality provided for members of the guild to view their standings, the addon provides tools for members privilaged to edit officer notes to award EP.

Single Member EP

Awarding EP to a single member quite easy:

  1. Open the epgp standings
  2. Click on the member you wish to award EP
  3. Select the reason for the award
  4. Enter the amount
  5. Click Award EP
Steps 1-5

Mass EP

Mass EP works with the standings list. When in raid you see only the raid members so any Mass EP operation will affect only the raid members. When out of a raid you see the whole guild, so any Mass EP operation will affect the whole guild.

Warning: Make sure you know which mode you are in by looking at the bottom of the EPGP standings window. When in you are not in raid it shows Guild in green and when in raid it reads Raid in red.

There are two kinds of Mass EP awards:

  1. One time
  2. Recurring

One time awards

  1. Open the epgp standings
  2. Click on Mass EP Award
  3. Select the reason for the award
  4. Enter the amount
  5. Click Award EP
Steps 1-5

Recurring time awards

  1. Open the epgp standings
  2. Click on Mass EP Award
  3. Select the reason for the award
  4. Enter the amount
  5. Choose the recurring period using the arrows
  6. Check the recurring checkbox
Steps 1-6
Hint: While recurring awards are running you can still award one time EP.